Wednesday, February 27, 2013


by Don Brian

BULLYING BOOGEYMEN and BOOGEYWOMEN -- Much has been said and publicized in recent times about bullying. The emphasis has been primarily on children bullying children and adults encouraging children to bully other children. However, adults are bullying adults. The system is bullying citizens; The United States corporatocracies (oligarchy, plutocracy, 1%ers) are bullying elected officials (Either do as they say or you will not get money or backing to get re-elected.) In addition, our elected officials are members of the corporatocracy and/or are puppets of the corporatocracy. One way or the other they are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the corporatocracy. For their own well-being and club membership they dare not do anything, aside from flourishes of rhetoric, to counter the goals of the corporatocracy. Even if 99% of the people were to protest, the 1% would still be fully in the saddle and marching on to maintain control over the world disorder. It is no contest. The bottom line is that the system (the corporate hit men) are always finding boogeymen and bogeywomen  to harm as a way of distracting the masses via brainwashing techniques with money they have viciously extracted from the masses. A few examples of the boogey parade, by the  greedy kleptocracy deference monsters include the following perpetuated  ghosts of the imagination:  War on Terror; War on Drugs;War on Marijuana; War on Waco; War on Aaron Swartz; War on Kent State; War on Julian Assange; War on Bradley Manning; et al.
anmen Square Massacre
How many Tiananmen Squares and Timothy McVeighs will be spawned here in the USA by the ongoing cruel terror foisted upon freedom loving innocent Americans? How many more backs and spirits will be broken by the cannibalistic system until the shackled rage spills out? How do the USA operatives have any credibility or moral standing to criticize regimes in their handling of citizen outrage over corruption in other countries, such as when the Tiananmen Square Massacre, like the Kent State Massacre, occurred? Will the slaughters and bullying ever stop?

Friday, February 15, 2013


Sander Houk, the Bennington College (Vermont) intern, has now been gone for more than a week. Now that he is not here I am lost. I depended upon him to guide me every step of the way in respect to understanding and using Twitter, the Blog, Facebook, the Websites, book construction and publishing as well as the internet in general, and much more in respect to establishing an intentional community called SALT (Senior Activists Living Together) and connecting with courageous activists, some quite renowned, who may turn the world upsidedown and then straighten it out.

ADVOCATES out there, are you interested in truly enacting a TRANSITION from the old stodgy, selfish, power-seeking, greedy ways of the OLD GUARD cliques to a peaceful world focused on great thoughts, uplifting music, moving art, and harmony? If you are a TRANSITION person bring your precious humanity and intellect to SALT today so that we can forge a great tomorrow. Let's do it, and let's clone SALT over and over again once we get it just right.

Now, SALT needs others to come and fill the void left by Sander Houk.  SALT needs organized individuals with pure hearts and deep love for good people with a mission to eradicate the influence of hypocrites and evil, and feed the hungry.

I need SALT residents, interns, and volunteers who can drill some more working knowledge into my 74-year-old (as of February 25th) crawl space resting on my neck so that I can better serve others. Come and be my inspiration and model to emulate so that my brief time left on this earth can be a period of TRANSITION and fulfillment as I am surrounded by those who will perpetuate SALT.

Envision the changes you would like to bring about to make SALT, our country, and the world a positive force. SALT must help others realize their dreams of unforeseen equal opportunities and happiness. We must do all we can to choke out the bad weeds. The proliferation of lives collectively invested in the well-being of ALL people everywhere will do just that.

Let's lose ourselves by finding others to nourish. Let's get invested in a self-sustaining ecosystem. Let's find ways to make life less expensive by being smarter about how we use and share resources.

Inch by inch surmounting our challenges can be a cinch. Help us influence public policy and resource allocation decisions.

We need ADVOCATES who know how to use social media to facilitate collective action by organizing and developing media campaigns, public speaking events, research publications, internet communications, lobbying efforts, and protest and/or support gatherings.

SALT is all about social justice ADVOCACY. System and political change is long overdue from the ground up. All systems are broken. Now is the time to restructure everything for the better. The power structure of politics, government, and business is simply fetid. Let us construct a just society. The way policy is administered in this country and around the world is in stark contrast to what constitutes fairness and justice for all. The political and bureaucratic systems here and around the world are thwarting rather than responding to the needs of the people. Our systems are not transparent, and they are exclusive rather than inclusive. Our government is not accountable to the citizens. We have to make it ACCOUNTABLE.

Come to SALT  and lead the way to compel the government to change so that the needs and aspirations of the people are the focus, rather than the narrow demands of the CORPORATOCRACY.

The make-up of the decision makers (crony deference figures) has to change. Come and IGNITE SALT! Let's get the job done now! Become the human resources we need to secure other resources we need to develop and perpetuate SALT.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


SALT needs volunteers and interns to help move heavy items, such as a large resolite wrestling mat used for exercise, construction materials to be burned or recycled, and heavy materials that need to be moved for various purposes. Volunteers and interns are needed to help address every factor and circumstance relevant to the successful operation of SALT and the development and maintenance of the physical plants. Volunteers and interns are needed to help write grants and revise mission statements, goals, and objectives, do research, help transcribe audio tapes, do investigative reporting, and help write books on various subjects on which data and records are already available to be organized and put into book volumes for publication. Some of these researched topics include the following: the whistle-blower as the worst kind of criminal in America; the fitness for duty examination scheme; the brain washed and the brain washers; lack of recourse for fraud victims involving home repair and other scams; myths and immunities involving so-called experts and expert witnesses; abounding amd prevailing conspiracies in every public and private operation and institution;  history of horrid institutional abuses and welfare department atrocities; infantile autism; the criminal mind; fear of the system; liar for hire practices; nursing home atrocities; medicare and health care services incompetencies and overhaul recommendations; drastic practical service cost reductions across the board; training of professors and instructors to meet practical realities; educational specialties and redundancies evaluated; educational practices and failings; willful and planned political societal exploitation, dwarfism, and containment for personal gain and criminal engagement; what influences political decisions and legislation; what influences legal decisions and the interpretation of law and rendered punishment; redesigning government and governmental accountability; alarming inadequacies of the legal system involving police, lawyers, judges, correctional systems, and the law; the role of status, greed, power, jealousies, cliques and deference abdications in respect to societal ills; the role of the vicious religious in maintaining, escalating. and provoking hatred, profiling, and scape-goating; the ever presence of bullying and intimidation at all levels of our society; the gap between rhetoric and actuality; the unaccountability factor, waste, politics, and the money trail; and the increasing escalation of the prevalence and encouragement of bias, discrimination, and demeaning behavior; who helps if people don't help each other, neighbors don't help, colleagues don't help, unions don't help, corporations don't help, the police don't help, the lawyers don't help, elected officials don't help, the government doesn't help, the clergy don't help, the laws don't help, and no one in the system helps?

SALT Needs Energy Czar

SALT is spending significantly more than a thousand dollars each month just for utilities because the buildings are in need of proper insulation and other modifications so that these buildings can be heated and cooled for less cost. There should be grants and options available for receiving assistance to reduce the cost and waste of fuel and energy. SALT needs the assistance of individuals who are willing to be involved as activists engaged in securing assistance for addressing these and other energy related problems, including the development of self-sustaining energy projects. SALT is in need of innovative energy saving and energy producing projects to make the interior and exterior environments safer and healthier in respect to all buildings and environments at the Linesville farm and the Meadville facilities. Residents, interns and volunteers will be welcomed to study and address these issues.