by Don Brian
BULLYING BOOGEYMEN and BOOGEYWOMEN -- Much has been said and
publicized in recent times about bullying. The emphasis has been primarily on
children bullying children and adults encouraging children to bully other
children. However, adults are bullying adults. The system is bullying citizens;
The United States corporatocracies (oligarchy, plutocracy, 1%ers) are bullying
elected officials (Either do as they say or you will not get money or backing
to get re-elected.) In addition, our elected officials are members of the
corporatocracy and/or are puppets of the corporatocracy. One way or the other
they are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the corporatocracy. For their own
well-being and club membership they dare not do anything, aside from flourishes
of rhetoric, to counter the goals of the corporatocracy. Even if 99% of the
people were to protest, the 1% would still be fully in the saddle and marching
on to maintain control over the world disorder. It is no contest. The bottom
line is that the system (the corporate hit men) are always finding boogeymen and bogeywomen to harm as a way of distracting the masses via
brainwashing techniques with money they have viciously extracted from the
masses. A few examples of the boogey
parade, by the greedy kleptocracy
deference monsters include the following perpetuated ghosts of the imagination: War on Terror; War on Drugs;War on Marijuana;
War on Waco; War on Aaron Swartz; War on Kent State; War on Julian Assange; War
on Bradley Manning; et al.
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