Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16

Sander Houk prepared a Chinese dinner for us at the Linesville farm tonight. We watched a documentary titled Guns, Germs, and Steel. Don charged up the Massey Ferguson tractor and the Thomas Skid Steer, took many pictures inside and outside of the pole barn, including carpentry and electrical work recently done there. Don also removed a load of wood and steel (door, trim, scrap wood, bed frame, etc.) from the Suburban and stored it in the pole barn. Don, Lynnell, and Sander have mainly been working on SALT projects and ideas for developing and marketing SALT overall. Lynnell finally got around to taking down the Christmas tree today. Sander was making some pleasant sounds on his mandolin this evening.

We were all saddened today by the news of the suicide death of Aaron Swartz. This represents a miscarriage of justice and a reprehensible move on the part of MIT and the U.S. Attorney Generals Office. This 26-year-old man was not a felon. He was not a criminal. He was terrorized and abused by his own government. He was actually providing a commendable service to ordinary Americans. The big ruthless and bullying agents of the system (the partnership of government and corporate evil) have struck again and slaughtered an innocent lamb. Do you really wonder why this nation has so little credibility when it comes to human decency? When are we going to join hands and demand an end to citizen abuse by the system?

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