Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A canned letter

We here at SALT know that many of you are very busy making this world more informed and more just. We know that you have many important options to consider, in terms of participation or promotion.  but I hope SALT might interest you and that you will take the time and make the effort to investigate us further.

My name is Aleksander "Sander" Houk and I am a Bennington College student working with a couple (named Don and Lynnell Brian) to start a commune in Pennsylvania. Here at SALT we want to start an alternative living/shared housing arrangement for diverse senior activists. It will be used to support the Occupy movement and act as its own strain of direct action activists who want to uncover the ills of our politico-economic system. It will be an environmentally sustainable community where all members will be encouraged to pursue their own interests, continue their work outside, build something here, and come and go as desired. There will be a gym, a dining hall, a library, a publishing house, a yoga barn, a green house, an organic garden, and other facilities. Decisions will be made collectively through direct consensus and any conflicts that may arise between members will be resolved through mediation. This last week we have been working to collaborate with #Occupy organizers, and activist artists. Also, I will be meeting shortly with Noam Chomsky. If you would like to hear more, or join us, please do not hesitate to contact us. It would be greatly appreciated, especially given the profound work all of you have done and continue to do every day of the week.

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